Peaks Island Coffee Roasters

Peaks Island Coffee Roasters

Peaks Island Coffee Roasters Peaks Island Coffee Roasters Peaks Island Coffee Roasters

Call 207-518-9257

About Us


Our Story

Our dream to roast coffee came during our regular morning routine on Peaks Island. Walk the dog, feed the cat, let the chicken out, make coffee, settle into the couch with the paper, ponder life.  Before we knew it, the paper was read, "business plan" formulated, a new coffee roaster from Sonofresco was winging it's way to our tiny island off the coast of Portland, Maine. Fresh roasted coffee from an outer Island off the coast of Portland, Maine, what could be better?

Ginger on a visit to coffee farm on the Kona Coast, Hawaii

Coffee for a great cause

Imagine you're drinking a cup of coffee which supports women coffee farmers in Colombia? We think the coffee tastes better if it has a social purpose.  We found a distributor of  green coffee from small coffee producers in rural Colombia. These women coffee farmers work closely with the Cafe Feminino Foundation on enhancing their quality of life and the lives of their families.  If that doesn't make your first sip of coffee taste better it should, at the very least, warm your heart!

We offer two roast profiles "Dr. Moore's Theory of/Theory for..Dark Roast" The coffee is full with chocolate and complex  flavors.  The medium roast a good mix of coffee flavors including some fruitiness. 


Let's be honest

This was an idea hatched BEFORE our first cup of coffee. So, all this could be like driving off a cliff.  But, life's an adventure right? If people like it, we'll keep roasting coffee. If not, we'll have a great coffee roaster; a really cool rubber stamp and paper bags from which to share coffee with family and friends. Plus, it makes the neighborhood smell great when the roaster is fired up!


Contact Us

Need coffee?

Please call 207-518-9257. 

Ask for Ginger or The Professor


email us at

Peaks Island Coffee Roasters

Peaks Island, Maine

(207) 518-9257

Drop us a line!
